AFB Air Force Base
ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials
BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes
BHD Borehole dilution
bgs below ground surface
COC contaminant of concern
CPT cone penetrometer testing
CSM conceptual site model
DCE dichloroethene
DNAPL dense, nonaqueous-phase liquid
ECOS Environmental Council of the States
ERIS Environmental Research Institute of the States
ESTCP Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
GMS Groundwater Modeling Software
gpm gallons per minute
HRP high-resolution piezocone
IPT integral pump test
ITRC Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council
LC Launch Complex
MCL maximum contaminant level
MIP membrane interface probe
MIPT modified integral pump test
MLS multilevel sampler
MNA monitored natural attenuation
MtBE methyl tertiary-butyl ether
NAPL nonaqueous-phase liquid
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
PCE perchloroethene
PFM passive flux meter
PZ piezometer
RAO remedial action objective
RI remedial investigation
SEAR surfactant-enhanced aquifer restoration
SERDP Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
TCE trichloroethene
TCW tandem circulating well
TM transect method
TMB trimethylbenzene
TRW tandem recirculating well
USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
VOA volatile organic analysis
VOC volatile organic compound
A area of the control plane
Ai area of the polygon
Aj flow area through polygon
b uniform thickness, aquifer thickness
C contaminant concentration
°C degrees Centigrade, Celsius
CF averaged Aj area associated with an individual measurement (m2)
CF flux averaged concentrations
Cj concentration of constituent at polygon cm (centimeter)
Cn individual concentration
Co initial dissolved aqueous resident tracer concentration individual measurement point in the pore fluid transect (µg/L)
Csw contaminant concentration in water extracted from the supply well (mass/volume)
d day
ft foot, feet
g gram
i hydraulic gradient
ij hydraulic gradient at individual point (cm/cm)
J mass flux (mass/time/area)
Jc time-averaged advective contaminant mass flux
Ji mass flux measurement at location ihydraulic conductivity
kg kilogram
kg/year kilograms per year
Kj individual hydraulic conductivity at polygon term
Kn individual Kj hydraulic conductivity term at individual point (cm/sec)
Kow octanol-water partition coefficient
Kp Kreundlich equilibrium partition
Ksp mineral solubility product
L liter
L length
L2 area
L3 volume
L3/L2/t volume per area per time (L/m2/d)
m meter
M mass
Mc mass of contaminant sorbed
Md mass discharge (e.g., g/area)
Mdj mass discharge through polygon mg milligram
Mr relative mass of tracer remaining in the PFM sorbent
M/t mass per time (e.g., g/d)
M/L2/t mass per area per time (e.g., g/m2/d)
Pb bulk density of the sorptive matrix
q groundwater velocity, specific discharge, average
Q groundwater flux discharge
qj specific discharge through polygon
q0 Darcy groundwater flux, Darcy groundwater velocity
qsw, Qsw pumping rate of supply well
r radius of the PFM cylinder
Rd retardation of the resident tracer on the PFM sorbent
Rdc retardation of the contaminant on the PFM sorbent
t time
T aquifer transmissivity (volume/time sampling duration)
w mass discharge of plume near water supply well (mass/time)
α convergence or divergence of flow around the PFM
Δh head difference between the pumping well and the observation well
Δx distance between pumping well and observation well
μg/L micrograms per liter
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